"Even if you lose everything, something always remains."
Drama. Keep your drama at the door. I don't mind being a listening ear, however, if you have an issue with my mutuals. Please do not expect me to choose a side. Everyone has their stories that deserve to be heard. I'm not going to be asshole and not consider their feelings. I'm not a messenger, so if you have a problem. Either take it up with them or move on.
Involving Friendships: If you have a friendship with me and you have an issue with me. Please address the issue with me or remove me. I do not have time for games. I've had experienced a lot of trauma in bad relationships. I don't need anymore negativity but don't give me the silent treatment and expect me to be cool with it. I'm going to confront you, if you think about lying to me: It's done. I do not tolerate liars. I will call you out if it doesn't add up to your story; especially if I find you're being shady with me. Friendship is a two way street, not one. If you take the time and ask for clarification before assumptions, there probably won't be any issues but if you keep assuming the worst of me and giving me the cold shoulder when I haven't done anything to warrant it. I'm going to have a problem with it. I will not play the 'blame game' because everyone has a fault. I will admit my mistakes, apologize and move on but only if you do the same. If we decide to part ways: I do not want to be harassed. I just want peace, if you're friends with my other mutual. I will appreciate it if you don't try to chase me out of everything. That is the same as bullying. You will be blocked if that occurs. I'm an easy going person to talk too. It just all depends with how you come at me. If you're going to be aggressive, I'm going to be aggressive right back. I prefer we talk in a civil manner as it should be.
And if you have an issue with me: DO NOT TELL A BUNCH OF STRANGERS do not drop names. I will call your ass out if it happens. I will probably even cut you off because I do not need people getting stick up their asses and attacking me over something that should've stayed between us. That is a big betrayal and you will not hear from me ever again because you've just lost my trust there. I've actually left role play for a really long time due to harassment and bullying. I can't handle that shit anymore, role play shouldn't be a stressful place. it is an escape. Role play shouldn't be taken seriously, or you shouldn't probably be on the interwebs.
Please address me your problems. I do not read minds. I do not appreciate silent treatment or you being rude to me for whatever reason. I hate guessing games. Silent treatment is cruel and unneeded. Communication is important for BOTH parties. I won't be nice if I know you're upset with me and try to beat around the bush. I get being scared, but being silent won't fix anything either. I won't tear you open, I will state my side of how I feel. How you take it is solely upon you. If you can't handle me, I guess...leave? I won't stop you, but don't tell me that I don't care about you if I'm trying to find a solution to fix the friendship before it can't be fixed. I'll be done by that point and won't even fool with it. Lying to my face is also going to piss me off further. Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie. Lying to me is a good way to lose me.
Just because you're going through things, does not give you the right to take your anger out on me. I get we all have bad days but I am NO ONE'S punching bag. If I take the time to make sure you're okay, I'd prefer it if I don't get chewed out for it. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, cause I'll smack you with that same hand. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness.
Literacy/Description: I'm a literate/descriptive writer. I do not expect you to match my length, but I do expect you to match my literacy. Literacy is important. If I can't understand what you're trying to say: We're going to have a problem. I will ask you to either re-write your post or drop it if the storyboard is going no where, but I will tell you on the side that I'm having a hard time coming up with a response. If you chat speak, that is an automatic no. However, I do understand that mistakes happen because of the fact I make mistakes myself. Discussions of role play also helps spice things up. I will have a better idea of how the role play will go if we have a plan of action.
DO NOT RUSH ME FOR REPLIES. This is a huge pet peeve of role play I have. I tend to get busy in real life so I am not always responding to messages. It doesn't mean that I'm ignoring you, please get a clarification before assuming. I will often put a heads up if I'm going to be busy. I do get dragged out from family or I am at my job. Role play is a hobby, not a part time job. I do not have to cater to your needs. Blowing my dms up is not going to get a reply from me faster.
Shipping. I ship with strong chemistry as well as I am single shipped. Once my Lucy is taken, she will not go with another. Shipping is not my main focus, but I do love it when my characters are happy. I will also not do smut role plays, if this bothers you. I'm sorry, but I'm uncomfortable with smut/lewd. I don't mind romantic scenes. But I am not keen on doing smut. Do NOT ask me for lewds. Lewd accounts will be blocked. Do not test my patience.
Crossovers/Oc's: I love crossovers and oc's. I love placing Lucy in different scenarios. It gives the creativity a different flavor and there is so many doors to explore. So do not be afraid to role play with me if you're from a different series or if you're an OC. I give everyone a chance.
Alt Accounts: I do have alternate accounts. If you want them, just ask them. This is not my main profile, but it's one of my secondary mains. My muse comes and goes, so I often venture off to see what sparks. If me having multiple accounts bothers you: don't follow. simple as that.
Character Control/Godmodding: Please do not kill or hit my character without my consent. I am the one who writes Lucy, not you. I control her thoughts and emotions. Please do not do that for me.Autoknowledge: If you're an OC, part of the Fairy Tail guild and our characters never met. Please do not expect Lucy to know your character. That kills the suspense of things. It's okay to know about Lucy due to her being famous from Sorcerer Weekly and her novel. But please do not claim to be a cousin, brother, or sister without discussing with me first. Again, if we had never interacted. It isn't discussed. There is only a few exceptions to this rule that I'll make. That is if we talked long enough, I'll add you to my connections then accept you as part of the family. I rather things build up naturally. Autoknowledge kills the suspense of things, so please do not act like your character knows everything. I'll get annoyed quickly and drop the role play.
Please do not assume that all accounts with my editing style is me. I do edit for other people as well as I have friends that edit for me. We may have similar styles, but that doesn't make them me. Please get verification before assumptions. Thank you. My best friend and I taught each other how to edit, so yes our editing is going to be similar. @UminoRei_ and myself have been friends for fourteen years. I've known @articchill for seven or eight years of role play. They're two of my best friends. I edit a lot of stuff for Gray, but I promise you that we're all not the same person. We can even go on call to prove that to you, although I shouldn't have to prove myself to anyone.
Do not mix role play with real life. Lucy's emotions are not my emotions, although...I do have quite a bit in common with Lucy, but we are two different people. If she is aggressive towards your character, it doesn't mean that I'm aggressive towards you. She can be tsundere sometimes as well as a bit shy.
Please do not get mad at me if I address you by your characters name. If you don't have your name stated anywhere on your page. Of course, I am not going to know what it is and will call you by your character. No need to be an asshat about it. Just tell me politely and I will address you by your real life name; although I prefer to call people by their role play names because I don't like asking people for their personal information as well as I won't give out my personal information unless I really trust you.
Messengers out side of twitter are earned. I rarely give out my messengers due to people taking advantage. If I do give you my messengers, while it is a faster way of communication...It doesn't mean I will always reply to when you want me to reply. It does not give you the opportunity to harass me for responses. Mobile leaves me online even when I am not, so please do not blow up my DMS or messengers.
Mains: Please do not ask me to be your main. I am not trying to be rude, I am flattered you think of me as part of your group. However, I find mains to be a bit tedious. People tend to control who you can and who you can't talk too. They get mad if people role play with the same character as them. You do not own these characters. None of us painstakingly animated these screen caps or drew the artwork. You're not entitled to chase someone out of their role. In fact, I adore twins. Fairy Tail has multiple characters that are the same faces: look at Edolas for an example. There is a different version of Lucy and other characters. I don't believe this should pose a problem. Nobody can be replaced behind their muse. Everyone portrays their character differently so please do not give me drama over this. I will add anyone in my connections of who talks to me the most and makes the effort. People who don't just want to increase their follower count.
Important Notes: I know my rules seem pretty strict, but please do not think of me as an asshole. I just had bad experiences in role plays and I rather avoid unwanted situations. I came to role play for an escape and have a good time. I don't want my life to be more stressful as it is. So, I hope these rules do not scare anyone away.
personality & appearance.
Lucy has brown eyes and shoulder-length blonde hair that is usually tied by ribbons in a variety of colors in a small ponytail to the right side of her head with the rest of the hair loose. However, in the year X791 she appears to keep her hair up more often in pigtails. She is buxom and has a curvaceous body.
Her (presumed) measurements are: bust, 91cm; waist, 59cm; and hip, 88cm (36 in, 24 in, 35 in). In X792, her hair is considerably longer, and she keeps it all in a side ponytail.
Her pink Fairy Tail stamp is located at the back of her right hand.[6] Additionally, Lucy does not consistently wear the same outfit. However, she always has a belt that, along with keeping her skirt up, holds her Celestial Spirit keys and a whip with a heart-shaped end. She often wears black, leather high heeled boots. She also bears a striking resemblance to her mother.
Lucy takes exceptional pride in her appearance and is very confident in her sex appeal, often exuding a certain amount of vanity. Despite this superficial attitude, she is a clever, kind, and genuinely caring person. Lucy is passionate for literature and is in the process of writing her own novel about her adventures with Fairy Tail although she does not like telling anyone about it.
Aside from her interest in writing and reading prose, she also likes shopping, cooking, and assertive men. Her favorite colors are blue and pink. She is a member of the Heartfilia family, once one of the wealthiest and most influential conglomerate families in the country of Fiore. However, due to her estranged relationship with her father and the death of her mother, Layla Heartfilia, she left home to follow her own path, which displays an ambition for independence.
Lucy is very kind to her Celestial Spirits and refuses to utilize them as shields or think of them as such. She fights alongside her Spirits and treats them as friends, unlike several other Celestial Spirit Mages, who view them as mere tools and objects.
Lucy cares greatly for her Spirits and will also go to great lengths to give them happiness, even at the cost of her life. Despite technically being an owner of the Spirits, she refuses to be addressed as such and instead prefers to be called their friend. Although Lucy is, in most cases, cowardly and easily frightened, she has no problems with fighting and would happily stand up to danger, even if she ends up getting hurt, for her friends and guild. While her powers are normally not as overwhelming as her teammates, Lucy has proven to be a capable combatant herself, often using her cleverness to her advantage, and thinking outside the box during battle. She has eventually inherited Natsu's stubbornness and refusal to give up, even when the odds are against her.
Lucy usually freaks out at her guildmate's antics. Unlike most of her friends, she does not get very excited about fighting and is not quick to resort to violence as the solution. However, she does admit that being around her guildmates is really fun. Being a Celestial Mage, Lucy always keeps her promises. She gives her all for the sake of her guild and friends.
(To Gajeel Redfox) "You guys are complete idiots! I feel so sorry for you, I think I'm tearing up. Phantom Lord? The spirit ruler? What a joke; I'm not afraid of you at all!"
(To Gajeel Redfox) "Then why don't you try killing me? If you do that, you'll be in bigger trouble than this! Fairy Tail will never forgive you! That's the kind of guild they are! You'll be shivering under the shadow of the world's scariest guild every day for the rest of your life!"
(To Jude Heartfilia) "There's nothing happy about having your fate decided for you! You have to grab your own happiness!"
(To Jude Heartfilia) "Never lay a finger on Fairy Tail again. The next time you do, I...everyone in the guild will consider you as our enemy!"
(To Jude Heartfilia) "What I want isn't money or pretty dresses, but a place that recognizes me as who I am. Fairy Tail is my other family, and it is a far more warming family than here!"
(To Loke) "I said I'm going to save you no matter what! I can force open the Gate to the Spirit World; watch me!"
(To Loke) "It's not a sin! Caring for your friends feelings is not a sin! If you disappear, then Aries, myself, and everyone here will be filled with sadness! You won't be repenting your sin that way!"
(To Erza Scarlet) "If...if someone here was hurt or died because of me, I think I'd suffer a lot like Loke. But it's okay because if we all work together, we can overcome any trouble we might have, right?"
(To Loke) "Spirits aren't shields! I fight alongside them! That's my style!"
(To Angel) "But they feel pain! They have feelings! And yet you call yourself a Celestial Spirit Mage?"
(To Byro) "If she's your ally, then shouldn't you be protecting her? I'll never lose to someone who doesn't even understand that. I swear on the name of my guild!"
(To herself) "I made a promise to live on for the sake of my future self!!! I'm going to see many more sunsets... and shed countless more tears of joy and sadness!!"
(To Aquarius) "You're one of my friends too! I can't sacrifice someone to save others! There must be another way! I'm not giving up!"
(To herself) "I can't keep crying forever... And I can always cry later. Right now... to save my friends... I have to fight!"
Celestial Spirit Magic (星霊 魔法 Seirei Mahō): Lucy practices Celestial Spirit Magic, a type of Spatial Magic which allows her to summon Celestial Spirits, magical beings residing in the Celestial Spirit World, using the Keys of their respective Gates. When summoning a Spirit, the Keys are enveloped with a soft, golden light. Once a contract has been made with a Spirit, such Spirit will be available for Lucy to summon on certain days, in which it will fight on her side and perform several tasks for her. Her Celestial Spirits have varying levels of power, with different ones being more suited for certain tasks than others, not necessarily related to battle.
Force Gate Closure (強制閉門 Kyōsē Hēmon): Lucy is able to force the gate of a Celestial Spirit to close against their will, prompting them to return to the Celestial Spirit World. She demonstrated this ability when Taurus was taken over by Sherry Blendy through her Magic and was forced to attack Lucy. For a Celestial Spirit Mage, obtaining this ability seems to be a remarkable feat. When using this ability, it is possible that once a spirit has been absorbed by someone, the absorber may go to the Celestial Spirit World as well.
Multiple Summons: Lucy has gained the advanced ability to summon more than one Celestial Spirit at once: she has been even shown summoning all of her Gold Keys (5 of them at the time) and one of her Silver Keys (Plue) at once, something which greatly astonished Loke; however, due to a large amount of Magic Power required for such feat, she was able to keep it active for just a handful of seconds. After gaining access to her Second Origin, Lucy gains greater control over this ability, as seen during her fight with Flare when she was able to keep two Celestial Spirits' gates open nearly effortlessly. This provides her greater flexibility as she is able to combine the aspects of her Spirits' powers and abilities to form new and more powerful attacks.She can also use her own Magic in combination with another Spirit to increase the power of an attack. During her fight against Tartaros, Lucy managed to open three gates simultaneously, something which has been referred to as a forbidden technique.
Recompense Summoning (代償召喚術 Daishō Shōkanjutsu): A technique that only a Celestial Spirit Mage possessing enough Magic Power to open three or more Golden Zodiac gates simultaneously is able to carry out, in order to summon the Celestial Spirit King, the strongest among the Spirits, once. In order to save her friends, Lucy sacrificed Aquarius's key as the sacrifice needed to be of a Spirit she has strong mutual trust with. By doing so, Lucy was able to summon the Spirit King and destroy Plutogrim.
Star Dress (星霊衣スタードレス Sutā Doresu): A Celestial Spirit Magic spell in which Lucy incorporates the power of a Celestial Spirit into her body by placing the key of the Spirit in question on her chest. The power manifests itself in the form of a wardrobe change (similar to Requip), in this case in the form of a dress centered around the Spirit in question's own wardrobe.
Star Dress: Aquarius Form: This form was bestowed upon her by the Celestial Spirit King, and once in it, Lucy took on an appearance based on Aquarius' own, having acquired a bikini top that sports a zigzag design and a miniskirt. Aquarius' zodiac sign is located between Lucy's collarbone whilst in this state. The tattoo fades away as Lucy collapses after successfully casting Urano Metria and defeating Jackal, however she was later seen with the tattoo once more.
Water Magic (水系各種魔法 Mizu Kei Kakushu Mahō): After sacrificing Aquarius' key to summon the Celestial Spirit King, Lucy was bestowed the Magic of Aquarius by the Celestial Spirit King, which allowed her to both consciously and unconsciously make use of her friend's powers.
Water Barrier: Lucy generates a powerful barrier of water, capable of blocking even the explosions generated by Jackal's powerful Curse.
Aqua Metria (アクアメトリア Akua Metoria): Lucy utilizes this spell which makes the water flow in waves and attacks the opponent with it.
Earth Magic (土系各種魔法 Tsuchi Kei Kakushu Mahō): Lucy was also shown to be capable of employing this specific form of Magic, although, it is worth to note that the earth she manipulates still retains fluid motion of water. Such was the case during her battle against Brandish.
Star Dress: Leo Form (レオフォーム Reo Fōmu): By incorporating the power of Loke into her body, Lucy becomes cloaked in an elegant, frilled, black ball gown that is slit up her left leg and tied with gold sash that sits around her hips. A black, frilled choker sits around her neck, and a ribbon with the mark of the Leo zodiac emblazoned upon it falls between her breasts. The accompanying sleeves of the dress are detached, sitting on Lucy's upper arm and falling to her forearm, where they flare outward. Around the bodice of her dress is more golden trim, curving inward under her bust. Additionally, Lucy sports black heels and her hair is now tied up in a quaint bun that is decorated with a black flower. Due to having taken on some of Loke's power, Loke's zodiac sign appears upon Lucy's right breast.
Regulus (王の光レグルス Regurusu): Due to having taken on some of Loke's power, Lucy becomes able to use Regulus in a manner similar to Loke: imbibing parts of her body to do enhanced melee damage.
Regulus Lucy Kick (レグルスルーシィキック Regurusu Rūshi Kikku): A variation of her signature Lucy Kick attack, after surrounding her feet with the light of Regulus that enhances the strength of the kick.
Star Dress: Virgo Form (バルゴフォーム Barugo Fōmu): Lucy incorporates the power of Virgo into her body, which grants her a dress very similar to Virgo's own, however due to its lacking the entire shoulder and most of the upper arms, the apron is now a pattern on the front of the dress; Lucy also receives a more frilly version of Virgo's headpiece, and still has Virgo's collar, albeit with the strings that are on Virgo's headpiece tied in a bow knot around it. She also bares Virgo's Zodiac sign on her right shoulder.
Earth Magic (土系各種魔法 Tsuchi Kei Kakushu Mahō): While in this form, Lucy gains access to Virgo's Earth Magic.
Diver (土潜ダイバー Daibā): Lucy, now with the powers of Virgo, has the ability to use Diver and tunnel through the earth.
Spica Hole (スピカホール Supika Hōru): Lucy can also create a hole in the ground and trapping her target inside it.
Star Dress: Taurus Form (タウロスフォーム Taurosu Fōmu): Lucy incorporates the power of Taurus into her body, which grants her an outfit consisting of a bra and sleeves with a cow pattern and pants that leave her right leg entirely revealed. She also dons a pair of gloves and boots as well as a belt where Taurus Zodiac sign is located and a bag around her waist. While sporting this dress she uses her hair in two buns, one at each side of her head abut also leaving some hair hanging. Lucy also carries her whip with her in this form.
Immense Strength: This form grants Lucy the grand strength of Taurus, allowing her to pull a target with her whip while striking everything it touches, including other targets and even destroying the ground without any fatigue.[48] This also enhances the sheer physical strength of Lucy's melee combat enough to either incapacitate her targets or send them flying.
Earth Wave (アースウェイブ Āsu Weibu): Lucy strikes the ground with her whip, causing it to rupture the earth in the area in front of her, damaging anyone above it.
Lucy Punch (ルーシィパーンチ Rūshi Pānchi): Lucy briefly empowers her fist and subsequently lunges at her target, punching them with great strength.
Lucy Kick (ルーシィ・キック Rūshi Kikku): Lucy is able to amplify the strength of her signature attack with her immense strength.
Star Dress: Sagittarius Form (サジタリウスフォーム Sajitariusu Fōmu): Lucy incorporates the power of Sagittarius into her body, which grants them an outfit consisting of a twin-tailed coat and sleeves that leave the shoulders and upper back bare. A pair of dark thigh-high boots with light trim at the top, which split above the knees to reveal the front of the thighs, are also donned. The hair is styled into a typical ponytail with two bangs framing the face. In addition, Sagittarius's zodiac sign is located on the left shoulder.
Marksmanship Specialist: This form grants Lucy the excellent marksmanship of Sagittarius, allowing her to fire several arrows simultaneously with each arrow hitting its mark.
Energy Arrows: Lucy is able to create energy arrows just by the use of her bow.
Star Shot (スターショット Sutā Shotto): Lucy is able to fire a series of homing arrows which explode upon contact with their targets.
Star Dress: Aries Form (アリエスフォーム Ariesu Fōmu): Lucy incorporates the power of Aries into her body, which she is granted an outfit consisting of a two-toned, short woolen hoop dress that ends at Lucy's mid-thigh level. The dress leaves her shoulders and arms bare, however, her arms are covered by woolen arm warmers and a woolen scarf is wrapped around her neck. Her legs are covered by horizontally striped leggings. She bares a tattoo of Aries' zodiac sign on her left shoulder. Lucy's hair is styled into bangs framing her face whilst two ram horns sit aside her head, behind which a pair of side ponytails emerge from.
Star Dress: Gemini Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Gemini into her body, which grants her a two-tone skirt with a high collar, and an upside-down kite-shaped cleavage window, with two tassels along each of her collarbones, finished off with a plated belt that sits on her waist. She also wears odd colored thigh-high boots and tops it off with a kokoshnik.
Star Dress: Scorpio Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Scorpio into her body, wearing a skin-tight outfit, of which vertical stripes run downward, and the back of the outfit leaves her back exposed, as the opening is in form of a scorpion's stinger. The limbs of the outfit are dark-colored, with a wavy stripe running downwards by the side of each limb. The areas such as the shoulders, elbows, knees, legs and forearms are covered in armor plates, of which the forearm gauntlets leave the hands exposed. The waistline is lightly colored, with lines running across the edges, and has a chain with a tail-like protrusion above Lucy's tailbone. She also dons a headband adorned with the Scorpio's zodiac sign on it.
Enhanced Speed: This form grants the user speed as they fly through a sandstorm allowing them to land multiple attacks on their targets.
Sand Flight: This form allows the user to blend in a sandstorm and fly freely.
Star Dress: Cancer Form (キャンサーフォーム Kyansā Fōmu): Lucy incorporates the power of Cancer into her body, wearing an outfit that appears to mostly be a qipao, albeit with long, wide sleeves and an obi, both present in kimono, suggesting it to be a combination of the two mentioned attires. Below the waist are pieces of cloth hanging in the form of vertical stripes. As legwear, she wears knee-high socks, as well as flip-flops. In addition, Lucy's hair is tied up in two high pigtails, secured by round, pincer-shaped clips.
Enhanced Speed: This form grants Lucy Cancer's enhanced speed that allows her to move very fast and make swift hand movements which allows them to wield her twin blades with great speed.
Twin Blades: This Star Dress comes with a pair of normal blades, in a way reminiscent of a pair of scissors, which Lucy utilizes in combat.
Star Dress: Capricorn Form (カプリコーンフォーム Kapurikōn Fōmu): Lucy incorporates the power of Capricorn into her body, wearing an outfit that appears to mostly be a black and purple sleek skirt with large slits on both sides of the dress while covering the front and back. Her hair is braided with two large bands of hair in the back with black bows on each strand. Lucy also gains Capricorn's horns protruding from her head as well as white long boots with black long sleeves and a dark-colored shade that negates any type of Eye Magic used against her.
Star Dress Mix (星霊衣 合成スタードレス ミックス Sutā Doresu Mikkusu): A technique that allows Lucy to combine her star dresses into one, which manifests itself in the form of a dress and a crossed keys tattoo at the back of her left hand with each key representing the Celestial Spirit Gate Keys of the Star Dress Forms that are being merged together. According to Lucy, when in this form, it is difficult to maintain or continue using the combined power of the two spirits and she can only do so in a short amount of time due to how powerful it is.
Star Dress Mix: Leo x Virgo Form (レオ x バルゴ フォーム Reo x Barugo Fōmu): Lucy incorporates the power of Loke and Virgo into her body, wearing an outfit with features that appears to be a combination of her Leo Form and Virgo Form as well as having three pair of wings on her back. While in this form, a crossed keys tattoo appears at the back of her left hand with each key representing Loke's and Virgo's Celestial Spirit Gate Keys.
Regulus (王の光レグルス Regurusu): Due to having taken on some of Loke's power, Lucy becomes able to use Regulus in a manner similar to Leo by releasing a large amount of light covering a wide radius to attack their targets.
Lion Maiden (レオン=メイデン Reon Meiden): Lucy, with the powers of Loke & Virgo, is able to release multiple light pillars onto her target from beneath the ground.
Earth Magic (土系各種魔法 Tsuchi Kei Kakushu Mahō): While in this form, Lucy gains access to Virgo's Earth Magic which allows her to release their magical attack from the ground.
Lion Maiden (レオン=メイデン Reon Meiden): Lucy, with the powers of Loke & Virgo, is able to release multiple light pillars onto her target from beneath the ground.
Unison Raid (合体魔法ユニゾンレイド Yunizon Reido): An ability which allows two Mages to unite their Magic into a single, combined and stronger attack. This is, apparently, a highly advanced form of Magic, with many priests having wasted their entire lives trying to achieve it, without success. However, Lucy and Juvia Lockser succeeded on their first try, with Aquarius's giant wave combining with Juvia's own water to create a powerful, large whirlpool which not even Vidaldus Taka's water-proof hair could absorb.[68] Later on, Lucy managed to achieve Unison Raid again with Wendy Marvell, combining Scorpio's Sand Buster with Wendy's Sky Dragon's Roar in a single, powerful vortex, which, together with Gray Fullbuster's Ice-Make: Hammer, greatly enhanced Natsu Dragneel's speed, allowing him to strike Hades with his Fire Dragon's Sword Horn.
Urano Metria (ウラノ・メトリア Urano Metoria): A powerful spell, known as the "Ultimate Magic of the Stars", in which the knowledge to achieve such was momentarily bestowed upon Lucy by Hibiki Lates through the use of his Archive Magic. After she was granted such spell, Lucy fell in a state of trance, in which she chanted out the spell's incantation. This prompted the area around Angel, her opponent, to become full of star-like lights, followed shortly after by a blanket of darkness reminiscent of a night sky. All of the star-like lights exploded at the same time, inflicting heavy damage upon Angel. Once Urano Metria was cast, Lucy awoke from her trance, completely unaware of what she did. This spell seems to be exhausting to cast as Lucy claims to lack the energy to move after waking up from the trance.[71] During the Grand Magic Games, Lucy combines her Magic Power with Gemini's and together they cast this spell. However, the spell is canceled by another Mage before its effects can be seen but Lucy noted it wouldn't be as powerful as the last time she used it with the Magic Power she had left. After receiving Aquarius's Magic from the Celestial Spirit King, Lucy is able to cast the spell on her own; powerful enough to defeat Jackal.
Fairy Sphere (妖精の球フェアリースフィア Fearī Sufia): After utilizing the instructions from the book that Mavis wrote for its incantation, Lucy is able to cast the Magic. With it and the power of the other Fairy Tail members she is able to create a ethereal orb, which is one of the most indestructible defense magic available; even someone of the magnitude of Acnologia cannot break it.

Almost every time Lucy goes to her apartment, one or more of her guild mates is there.
Her quote when summoning Spirits she wishes to contract is: "I am linked to the path to the world of Celestial Spirits, now! O spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate!"
Hiro Mashima gave Lucy her name when he was listening to the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
Presumably, she joined the guild on July 3.
Jellal, as Siegrain, was in Lucy's "Perfect Boyfriend" list, right on top of Loke.
During a Q&A, when a reader asked who was the lead female character in Fairy Tail, Lucy immediately considered herself as such. However, Hiro Mashima said people can draw their own conclusions.
If she were to compare herself to an animal, Lucy would have considered herself to be a rabbit.
Her ideal type is an assertive man.
In the manga, Lucy changed clothes during the Phantom Lord arc after she got captured. In the anime, she wore the same clothes.
Mirajane somehow has a spare copy of Lucy's house key and often lends it to Natsu and the others so that they can enter Lucy's house.
From the Volume 16 Limited Edition: Sorcerer Interview, the best quality of Fairy Tail according to Lucy was that "It "had" a lot of powerful Mages." She wants to become a novel writer in the future. She has a good relationship with Natsu and Levy. Lucy thinks that every job she takes is difficult, and wants easier ones.
In Volume 32's extra content, Mashima provided the battle statistics for 31 of the 40 X791 contestants in the Grand Magic Games. The stats, however, were provided not from Mashima's point-of-view as the author but from the viewpoint of the Sorcerer Magazine reporter Jason. This explains why some stats are missing and why others may be inaccurate. According to Jason from the Sorcerer Magazine, during her participation in the Grand Magic Games of X791, Lucy's stats are:
Lucy's favorite food is yogurt.
The earliest concept of Lucy was not much different from the original idea. Lucy used cards instead of keys, but because this idea has already been repeatedly used, Hiro Mashima decided to abandon it. Early Lucy also had curly locks, two pony-tails instead of one bunch, and wore a more retro-like clothing, with jabot, frills, and lace. Her skirt before seems to have a bit of ruffles and her top has an inner scarf. In her early concept, she doesn't seem to be wielding her usual weapon, which is a black whip with a heart-like cracker at its end. Also, in her early concept, she's wearing high heels with laces, in contrast to her black high boots she wears currently.
In the official English translation, Lucy's birthday was given as the 1st July. This was done by the editor of the translation and not by Hiro Mashima. In the original Japanese release, Lucy's birthday was never revealed.
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